Case Studies

How Total Medical Supply Cut Patient Processing Time by 75% and Reallocated Headcount with Tennr


Total Medical Supply

Industry-leading Service and Care

Headquartered in Texarkana, Texas, Total Medical Supply provides doctors and patients in 48 states with the highest quality service and medical supplies on the market. From oral supplements to diabetes management supplies, TMS specializes in getting you what you need to make every day better than the last.

“We used to have four full-time staff managing intake and document wrangling. With Tennr, we’ve cut that down to one without compromising on quality or speed.”

The Challenge

When Total Medical Supply met Tennr at the 2024 MedTrade Conference, the team immediately saw the value. “From the first time I saw Tennr, I recognized the ability it had. Not just the medical record reader, but automating our workflows,"said Darius Reid, EVP of Sales.

Before partnering with Tennr, TMS relied on manual processes for fax wrangling patient intake, which were both time-consuming and error-prone. The team receives thousands of faxes a day, and these inefficiencies led to longer processing times, delayed patient care, and higher labor costs. TMS needed a solution to automate data entry, minimize errors, and improve operational efficiency, and ultimately retain patients.

Life with Tennr

TMS first implemented Tennr to automate and optimize its document wrangling and patient intake processes. “The gain that we've received in productivity has been exponential—it’s astronomical. So we absolutely love the platform” said Darius.

“Retention is key for us. That's where we really gain the mass of our revenue and where we really can grow. So, having a tool that helps us get through the orders fast and efficiently to get these patients their supplies out the door in a timely manner—it's a godsend,” said Darius. 

The Results

Significant Time Savings

With Tennr, TMS reduced the time it took to wrangle faxes by over 75%. Previously, processing 50 new patients manually could take up to 45 minutes; with Tennr it’s now taking a few minutes.

Darius highlighted the impact: “Tennr’s automation has completely transformed our workflow. We’re now processing new patients in a fraction of the time it used to take, which has been a game-changer for our team.”

Improved Headcount Efficiency

With Tennr handling automation of data entry, such as patient names and dates of birth, the staff now has time to focus on higher-priority tasks. Prior to Tennr, two team members were handling fax wrangling, and two were doing patient intake. Now, one person is able to handle all of the wrangling and intake.

“We used to have four full-time staff managing intake and document wrangling,” said Darius. “With Tennr, we’ve cut that down significantly without compromising on quality or speed.”

Added Trevor Danley, EVP of Operations, “The biggest thing for us has been the ability to reallocate team members to more meaningful work. The AI can handle wrangling and intake with near perfection. We’re able to grow without adding headcount. It’s amazing.”

Smoother Workflow Management

Tennr enabled TMS to handle large volumes of faxes and documents more efficiently. Angela, TMS’s Director of Compliance, shared, "We processed 1,300+ faxes yesterday morning alone. With Tennr, we can manage this volume with just a small team, and that’s been a game-changer for us."

Angela further emphasized the improved team dynamics: “We’re all working together as a team to ensure that this project is successful. Tennr has helped us maintain a smooth workflow, even as we handle an increasing number of faxes daily.”

What’s Next?

TMS is ready to scale its operations even further with Tennr. The team plans to implement new workers, including eligibility and benefits, to take the manual work out of decoding payor guidelines. "Once fully integrated, it’s going to be a game-changer," Darius noted. "Our goal is to shrink teams and redirect them to other vital areas within the organization."

Angela Clayton, TMS’s Head of Compliance added, “Your support team is fantastic. They don't miss the email and they respond in a timely manner. I absolutely love working with the Tennr team.”

“The partnership has allowed us to open our minds to stuff that we never thought was possible. We’re proving it is.”